Below is our most recent price sheet, reflecting our DJ service and available add-ons. Please note, prices listed are for events occurring in San Antonio, TX and venues no farther than 3 hours away. Our company strives for "quality over quantity", meaning we are limited on the number of events we conduct per day. Our recommendation is for clients to book our services early (as early as 15 months in advance).
Services booked without our DJ service well vary in price and availability, depending on location and date. For an exact quote please call, text or email us.
Need choreography or chambelanes? Click here.
To visit our home page, click here.
Phone number: (210) 289-6325
E-mail: [email protected]
Services booked without our DJ service well vary in price and availability, depending on location and date. For an exact quote please call, text or email us.
Need choreography or chambelanes? Click here.
To visit our home page, click here.
Phone number: (210) 289-6325
E-mail: [email protected]